Exactly what I was thinking not just yet.
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Brother Hitting on Df'd Brothers Wife at KH
by poopie ininteresting story i have a friend who is df but his wife still faithfully goes to meetings.
there's a single brother in the cong that is always flirting with his wife.
well at a recent meeting my df friend decided to show up to check this brother out.
Brother Hitting on Df'd Brothers Wife at KH
by poopie ininteresting story i have a friend who is df but his wife still faithfully goes to meetings.
there's a single brother in the cong that is always flirting with his wife.
well at a recent meeting my df friend decided to show up to check this brother out.
just fine
It's a power play.
Waton- why does anyone have to look after her- why can't she tell the guy get lost. If he asks for lotion say no I don't have any.
It's not the lotion, I have a bottle I leave out on my desk, the men I work with use it too. But if I were at the Christmas Party sitting with my husband, whom they refused to acknowledge, it would be in appropriate to come ask me for anything.
edited to add: I would never put my husband in a spot to be treated that way. I wouldn't allow it or be complicit in others doing it. So glad I don't have to deal with it.
Brother Hitting on Df'd Brothers Wife at KH
by poopie ininteresting story i have a friend who is df but his wife still faithfully goes to meetings.
there's a single brother in the cong that is always flirting with his wife.
well at a recent meeting my df friend decided to show up to check this brother out.
just fine
The whole culture and treatment of disfellowshipped people allows for this type of thinking/treatment. Disfellowshipped persons are less than human to the JWs it's really not surprising.
So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?
by Simon init seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
just fine
I am a woman in the United States. I went to college, married who I wanted, when I wanted. I took the job I wanted, in the field I wanted. I am paid the same as men in the same job with the same qualifications. I get the same bonus ( sometimes more) and get stock options my male counterparts do not get. Please tell me how I am oppressed or soon will be by Trump?
So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?
by Simon init seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
just fine
There are more men in higher paying jobs and more women in lower paying jobs, but not because of some conspiracy.
In the company I work for, I make more than some men in the same position because of my qualifications, and some men make more than me because of theirs. But there are no female engineers, because none apply when we have openings. However almost all of the admin assistants are female. So if you simply added the men together and the women together it would appear there was something nefarious when there is not.
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
just fine
Yes I did. I wish there was another, better choice, but there wasn't. And before anyone accuses me of being privileged - I left a cult in my early twenties and had to figure life out. I worked, put myself through school, and worked my way up to an executive level manager within 14 years of leaving. It hasn't been easy and I didn't have family support or money. My failures were not because I was a woman, but due to my inexperience and stupidity.
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
just fine
There are a lot of women, myself included who roll our eyes at the protests and marches. I am so sick of everyone protesting everything. But lacking the intellect or drive to make real change. They just want to be the center of attention and feel better by commiserating in perceived misery.
I am a woman, I have a successful career in a male dominated environment. I have not been held back by "evil white men". Donald Trump is not going to impact my career. His language may be offensive to some, but they are not words I haven't heard before, and will hear them again. Donald also obviously takes Ivanka very seriously and she is a champion for women's rights.
Is it just me ? 2 threads debating page after page with one individual ?
by smiddy inis it just me who doesnt see the point of this ?
from time to time we see some individual who takes up page after page arguing his or her point of view and it usually ends up with only 2 or 3 individuals who keep the talkfest going with a particular individual and nobodys getting anything out of it .. why bother ?
why get sucked in to such a pointless dialogue ?
just fine
Sorry - I got sucked in, I usually stay away from those.
ARC Analysis Summary of Case Files
by Richard Oliver ini have been doing research on the arc as some people on here have suggested.
i find it interesting on the case file analysis some of the findings.
it looks like queensland and new south wales had the biggest problems with this.
just fine
Sometimes we all get a little "passionate" about things. I think most of us has been that person at one time or another. One of my favorite quotes from here is " Your Jehovah's Witness is showing". It reminds me to let other people believe what they want to.
Again we all come at things from a unique perspective. All of us were hurt in different ways from the Witnesses or we wouldn't be here. We are mad because we were lied to, abused, treated badly, so different things trigger each person. I don't blame or credit the JWs for how my life has turned out - it's all on me.
I feel like your original point was that JW's can't be responsible for all cases of child abuse within the organization because they couldn't have known about them. I agree with that. It's the cases they did know about and didn't report that gets me going. Their policies that allow an abuser to not face criminal consequences, it needs to change. Children are so vulnerable they need to be protected wherever they are. People here are touchy about it because at one time we all thought those policies were right, and we know better now.
ARC Analysis Summary of Case Files
by Richard Oliver ini have been doing research on the arc as some people on here have suggested.
i find it interesting on the case file analysis some of the findings.
it looks like queensland and new south wales had the biggest problems with this.
just fine
I have no reason not to acknowledge things as they come up. I can then analyze and determine whether I believe them to be relevant or not. It's not a personal attack on you that I don't see things the same as you. We have different backgrounds, different perspectives, so we come to different conclusions. It's life 😀